Visiting Stoke-on-Trent

My trip to Stoke-on-Trent was a beautiful adventure filled with laughter, good vibes, good food, and super fun experiencessss. Visiting Stoke-on-Trent wasn’t exactly planned but it turned out to be one of the best trips I’ve taken so far.

I went from Belfast to Birmingham, used a flight cos well, there is no direct train from Northern Ireland to other parts of the UK, but that’s fine, Flights are cheap, and I enjoy flying anyway. I arrived in Birmingham a little late at night around 8 p.m. Had to take an Uber from Birmingham airport to Stoke, but it was really lovely, I also enjoyed the ride, the views and the pleasant conversation with my driver. chill guy, I tell you.


And yeah, I was also eager to meet my friend, Being in the UK is crazy lonely and any chance I get, I want to spend time with people I consider as actual friends, The ones who really know me and he is one of the few. It’s true that I wasn’t that old in the UK but still…

Lmao, before I got to his door, man’s was already standing outside, beaming with excitement and flashing his pearly white teeth(If I may use the queen’s English). we had talked about me visiting Stoke-on-Trent a few times but it didn’t really stick until then.

Got in, and found out this dude had already prepared my favourite meal – rice and stew, and wasted no time in serving it. We ate, gisted and gossiped, lol. And then went to bed.

Being who he is and knowing who I am very well, my friend woke up on Friday morning while working and having meetings and stand-ups, he was meticulously planning our weekend, and you could tell he was bursting with enthusiasm about the weekend.

Friday for Go-Karts and a likkle Stroll

I arrived on a Thursday, and on Friday, the activities started. First, we went on a thrilling go-karting adventure at TeamSport. Bro, the experience was crazzzzyyy, the adrenaline rush, the exciting thrill of fast driving, I felt like I was in a real-life car race competition, It was arranged as a competition though and after the race, we were shown our results and thank God it’s not heavenly race cos I kuku came last place. But still, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face; cos it was just a beautiful experience.


Afterwards, we strolled through the city centre, It was already night, so nothing much was really happening, the city was just quiet in this kinda charming way. It also had an eerie calmness that reminded me of all those small towns in horror movies, where everyone knows everyone, but yeah, it was undeniably beautiful.



Saturday for Train Ride

Saturday came with a unique experience, We had plans to enter Birmingham but trains were still on strike so we started checking for other things to do, We saw the train ride and well, it looked nice, so we booked. The Churnet Valley train – Train Diana, a coal engine train built in 1957 had this beautiful and authentic charm, It is very long, has a visible coal and fire engine, you could see the fire burn and there are men whose job it is to continuously refill the coal.

The train has cabins with bunk beds, and the ride itself was long and very calming, just like something out of a movie, we rode along the countryside and saw amazing views, it was magical and I made sure to relish every moment of it.



Sunday for Theme Park

On Sunday, We embarked on what I like to call the grand adventure to Alton Towers, a resort with a massive theme park. The place was super massive and sprawling, with an array of crazy fun rides. The place is so big that we didn’t even cover the entire ground, in fact, there are parts of the park we never got to even see. What people would usually do is lodge and spend days there so they have ample time for the entire experience. We couldn’t possibly experience everything in a single day, but we definitely tried our best. One of my highlights was the aquarium experience, It was my first time at an aquarium and I really marvelled at the whole setting, seeing live sharks and other sea creatures, the calming background music, the little kids, the families, etc. It was just simply amazing!

And then there were other experiences and wild rides, like pirate ships, different types of rollercoasters plus loads and loads of other adventurous rides. The entire day was just soooo fun and thrilling. 

All good things must come to an end

Sadly, had to leave on Monday, cos we didn’t come to the UK to just have fun and chill, I have to go work and make some money for the next adventure right? lol, but I kid you not, the memories of that weekend will forever be one of the best experiences of my life! And probably one of the times I have been completely happy and nothing else mattered.

It was simply a great experience, and I think it was even more fun cos I shared the experience with my gee, my own person! I totally loved it! I loved visiting Stoke-on-Trent and will definitely return.

Visiting Stoke-on-Trent
